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Showing posts from January, 2024

Frescos of India

Fresco painting in India has a rich history, especially in the context of ancient and medieval art. While it might not be as widely recognized as in some other regions, India has several notable fresco examples. Ajanta and Ellora Caves : These UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Maharashtra feature stunning frescoes dating back to the 2nd century BCE to the 6th century CE. The Ajanta Caves showcase elaborate paintings depicting the life of Buddha and various Jataka tales. The Ellora Caves also have some frescoes, albeit fewer in number compared to Ajanta, portraying Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain themes. Shekhawati Region : In Rajasthan, particularly in the Shekhawati region, fresco paintings adorn havelis (traditional ornate homes). These frescoes depict a variety of themes, including mythological stories, daily life scenes, and religious motifs. The town of Mandawa is known for its beautifully painted havelis showcasing this art form. Bundi Palace : The palace in Bundi, Rajasthan, is renowned