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Showing posts from May, 2021

Few steps for artists to strengthen their online presence

Producing an artwork would an easy job for an artist, however promoting their work could be a real obstacle for many whether you like it or not it is a worthwhile step in moving ahead in your career. Let’s discuss how one can build an effective online presence by following the simple steps: 1.       Offer online workshops:  Organise professional online workshops about painting techniques, sketching and drawing for your viewers. It will help you in building a more personal relationship with your audience. 2.       Participate in Art competitions: Participate in Art shows and exhibitions, one can really benefit from participating even if you do not win. It will help you in promoting your work on different platforms and will reach to a much larger audience. Entering various art shows and competitions will help you promote yourself, your story, your art and eventually your business. 3.       Be open to criticism: Be open to feedback; People are going to review the content that you are putt

How is Pandemic affecting Artist?

In these unprecedented times, Professionals in the field of Art are suffering like many other professionals. Despite trying their best to keep the world of art alive, it has not been an easy to keep the market afloat. In order to understand how the art careers are changing due to Coronavirus, we spoke to few Artists how the coronavirus outbreak is affecting their life and how are they planning to move ahead in the business.  As many Art events, fairs and exhibitions have been cancelled or moved on to digital platforms, a prominent dip in demand and sales has been seen during the period of 2020-2021 as studies have shown that buying art online is collectors least preferred channel. Artist as professionals are trying hard to keep the world of Art alive, facing the hardships such as the availability of raw materials (Canvas, colours, brushes) during nationwide lock downs or the significant dips in demand and sales has affected many young and indigenous artists. Not all of them have online